How to Choose the Best Coffee Beans for Your Brewing Method - kafeido roasters

How to Choose the Best Coffee Beans for Your Brewing Method

Coffee is more than just a beverage, it's a way of life for millions of people around the world. Whether you're a casual coffee drinker or a coffee connoisseur, the quality of your coffee beans plays a vital role in your overall coffee experience.

Choosing the right coffee beans for your brewing method can make all the difference in taste, aroma, and overall enjoyment of your coffee. In this blog, we'll go over some tips on how to choose the best coffee beans for your brewing method.

1. Know Your Brewing Method

Specialty coffee beans brewing methods

Before you can choose the best coffee beans for your brewing method, you need to understand your brewing method. Different brewing methods require different types of coffee beans to achieve the best taste.

For example, if you're using a French press, you'll want to look for a coffee bean that has a coarser grind and a full body.

On the other hand, if you're using an espresso machine, you'll want to look for a coffee bean that has a finer grind and a rich crema.

2. Consider the Roast Level

Specialty coffee beans roast levels

Coffee beans are roasted to different levels, each producing a distinct flavor and aroma.

The three primary roast levels are light, medium, and dark. Light roast coffee beans are roasted for a shorter amount of time and have a more delicate flavor profile. Medium roast coffee beans have a more balanced flavor profile, while dark roast coffee beans are roasted for a longer amount of time and have a more robust flavor profile.

Consider the roast level that best suits your brewing method and personal taste preferences.

3. Look for Freshness

Fresh specialty coffee beans

Freshness is critical when it comes to coffee beans. The fresher the beans, the better the flavor and aroma. Look for coffee beans that have been roasted within the last two weeks.

Avoid buying coffee beans that have been sitting on the shelf for months or even years. At kafeido roasters, we roast our coffee beans in small, 200g batches to ensure the highest quality and freshness.

4. Consider the Origin

Specialty coffee beans origin

Coffee beans are grown all over the world, and each region produces coffee beans with unique flavor profiles. Some of the most popular coffee regions include Colombia, Ethiopia, Brazil, and Guatemala.

Consider the origin of the coffee beans you're purchasing and the flavor profile associated with that region. For example, Colombian coffee beans are known for their mild, sweet flavor, while Ethiopian coffee beans are known for their fruity and floral notes.

5. Choose High-Quality Beans

High quality specialty coffee beans

When it comes to coffee beans, quality matters. Choose coffee beans that have been grown and harvested with care. Look for beans that are 100% Arabica, as these beans are known for their superior flavor and aroma.


Choosing the best coffee beans for your brewing method is essential to achieving the perfect cup of coffee. Consider the brewing method, roast level, freshness, origin, and quality when selecting your coffee beans.

At kafeido roasters, we take pride in providing our customers with the highest quality, ethically sourced coffee beans. Stop by our specialty coffee shop today to explore our selection of artisanal coffee beans and experience the difference quality makes.

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Savor the finest coffee, roasted to order

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